Easy way to make money

  1. Make saving a priority
    • Open a savings account
    • As soon as you get paid each month put some money in your savings account
    • Try to save a certain amount each month no matter how small
    • Cut out an unnecessary luxury

  2. You must become wealthy in your mind
    • See your bank statement showing your dream amount
    • Imagine yourself at the bank paying in your savings
    • Imagine how you will feel when you have accumulated the amount you aspire to
    • Register with dreamscometrue.me.uk (its free) and let the Dream Genie help you to save money

  3. Make a commitment and get others to help you
    • Work out how much you can afford to save each month and set up an automatic transfer
    • Never spend more on your credit card than you can afford to pay off at the end of the month
    • Clear your debts first and start saving the interest you would have paid

  4. Once you have some money in your savings account watch it grow
    • Try to increase the amount you save regularly
    • Keep living within your means
    • Think about the feeling of security that having savings gives you
    • Let the interest build up
